Friday, 3 October 2014


Hey Guys !
Sorry it's been so long but I am officially back on the blogging scene! A lot has gone on over the past few months and I have really neglected this page but I have always responded to all your emails and concerns which was my main priority. I am hoping to do a proper entry some time this week. My friends at college have kind of encouraged me to continue with it so I guess its time for me to make time for you lot.

Keep your emails coming!

Niamh x

ohh yeh and KEEP SMILING!

Thursday, 16 January 2014


Hey guys,

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and new year!

I still haven't got my keyboard fixed and I can't wear any makeup for two weeks because I have Exma all over my eyes. Happy new year!

But none of that matters because I now have a camera and we all know what this means...YouTube!

I have been thinking about making a channel for a while now and like I mentioned before, I have been reluctant to due to nerves, but my confidence is improving greatly and I now have no excuse. So I have created a channel, no videos yet, but soon I should be uploading a few little tasters for you.  I'm so excited and can't wait to share another huge part of my life with you guys. I know I get support from you and all my friends which I am so grateful for. I will link my account in this post somewhere so you can go and subscribe to it if you want to join me on my journey and I guess all I can say is thank you to all my amazing friends I have met through here and  my followers who keep me happy, motivated and most importantly smiling everyday with all your emails. I hope you  like my videos and please give me some suggestions once I get started as to what you want me to try because I want  you involved in this as much as possible.

Here are some recent pictures taken over the festive season that I thought you may enjoy.

Keep Smiling

Niamh x

Just a cheeky selfie

My Christmas goodies

Me and the amazingly beautiful Beth on New Years Eve

Boxing Day Dinner...perfect!

Billiee clearly loving life on Christmas day